Colour Analysis Reference Guide e-book


The Colour Analysis Reference Guide for Professional and Accurate Personal Colour Analysis is available in print or electronic format.

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The 20-page colour analysis guide leads the Image or Colour Consultant through a step-by-step process on how to do a colour analysis.

The book includes:

  • Descriptions and illustrations for the 4 Seasonal palettes of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn
  • Descriptions and illustrations for each of the 6 Flow palettes of Cool, Warm, Deep, Light, Bright and Muted
  • Lists of seasonal colour names
  • List of colour analysis tools and directions on how to use them
  • What to look for in a colour analysis
  • Script on how to explain colour analysis to clients
  • How to do a quick 'flag' analysis
  • 6 detailed steps to an in-depth analysis
  • Back-up systems for colour analysis
  • Psychology of colour explanation 4 Colour dimensional charts

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All content included in this product, such as text, graphics, images, and palettes, is the property of International Image Institute Inc. and is protected by international copyright laws. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this product or any portion of it is strictly prohibited and may result in legal penalties.