Colour Analysis Reference Guide e-book


The Colour Analysis Reference Guide for Professional and Accurate Personal Colour Analysis is available in print or electronic format.

You can get the ebook at

The 20-page colour analysis guide leads the Image or Colour Consultant through a step-by-step process on how to do a colour analysis.

The book includes:

  • Descriptions and illustrations for the 4 Seasonal palettes of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn
  • Descriptions and illustrations for each of the 6 Flow palettes of Cool, Warm, Deep, Light, Bright and Muted
  • Lists of seasonal colour names
  • List of colour analysis tools and directions on how to use them
  • What to look for in a colour analysis
  • Script on how to explain colour analysis to clients
  • How to do a quick 'flag' analysis
  • 6 detailed steps to an in-depth analysis
  • Back-up systems for colour analysis
  • Psychology of colour explanation 4 Colour dimensional charts